

When we started Black Eye we did not start with a particular software product in mind. We thought that we would build the right software when the time came. Instead we took a different approach. We thought about all the different sorts of software we had written in the past and all the different sorts of software we would like to write in the future. Then we thought about what they all had in common. Then we thought about what we could do to make writing any of these software products easier when the time came.

So we started brain storming, then designing and then finally coding. The result of all of this was the Black Shell. It is our multiplatform, extendable software framework. It has been designed to allow us to build really exceptional software products quickly.

Black Eye Applets, known as BAPs, can be written which plug into the framework which allows the Black Shell to quickly and easily be extended to implement any new software product you can dream up. It provides logging, configuration, remote administration, multithreading, timers, I/O and event management. It has open and flexible external interfaces to allow easy integration to any external system. The interfaces are accessible from most operating systems and programming or scripting languages which allows all software to be managed, monitored and configured in a consistent manner. It also allows the user to extend the functionality of any Black Eye product dynamically and allows the user to link Black Eye Technology directly into their own software.